An image of Grating logo.

The News

This section sticks to the tried and tested method of letting others do the hard work so that I can sit back and take the credit. In this instance it compares genuine news articles which seem contradictory or just downright odd.


This one does pretty much what it says on the tin. It contains stories written by yours truly. They are works in progress because my stuff is constantly being rewritten and recycled. Our lawyers insisted that I state that the stories are fictional. They are fictional based upon real events. How could you possibly write convincingly about things that you don't know or haven't experienced ?

I said "convincingly".

An image of a grater.

Nutmeg News @ Grate Scot

An image of a tartan grater.

This section of the site contains various thoughts and stories inspired by living, in Scotland, during the late twentieth and early twenty first centuries. Two centuries ! That might explain why I feel so old and tired.

The section titles which appear as links above are described in the sidebars. Although some of the subjects may sound a bit esoteric the general approach is to try and keep things light. Some of the sections play around with ideas and will hopefully prove thought-provoking but they should not be taken too seriously.

Another way of looking at this section of the site is that it is a cloud storage and backup work area. I can access my notes wherever I am via the internet and all that I require to edit them is a text editor. This means that I can write and edit from a mobile phone however I am a one finger typist and have a permanent squint from trying to decipher the contents of the screen. A page skeleton would make the creation of new pages easier. Links and uploads of material are a bit more involved and are performed on the desktop at home.


I couldn't think of a better title for this one. Contains observations on various obscure subjects. It can be a bit of a brain dump and again it is mostly notes which are awaiting further attention.


Again, that title is likely to change to something more relevant at some point. Contains any articles relating to paganism or religion in general. Too often religions just seem to happen without much thought as to future problems and therefore one project is to write a religion from scrath. What could possibly go wrong ?

An image of a grater.